06 July 2006

Ethiopian English

Too; a large amount, in contrast to the standard usage of in excess.  "That girl is too beautiful," or "I received too many A's on my report card."

Play; say something, talk.  Comes from Amharic translation of tajiwot meaning either speak or play.  "Play Michael, play."

Class; any kind of room in any location.  Comes from classroom.  At the hotel: "Do you have any class available tonight?"

Let's move; let's go.  "Are you ready to move?"

Fine; good or well.  Do not reply "good" when asked if you are "fine".  Example: "Are you fine?" "I'm good, thank you."  "What?  Are you fine?"

Sweet; suit.  As in, "I bought a new tailored sweet yesterday."  (Easily forgiven... English doesn't make much sense here.  Stick an "e" on the end and its back to being sweet.)