Yes, I do take pictures of bridges

Sudanese fellowship

Balcony of District Center

Southern Peoples

If I could pull this style off, I would


No, it isn't

Which one of these, doesn't belong

So hungry...

I run this church for loggers...

Only one...



Ethiopian "Fonzi"
You could have gotten shot at for that picture :) The Ethiopian Government really likes it's bridges... Is that the bridge between Addis & Jimma? It sure beats the old one...
If I remember correctly, this bridge is east of Jimma, if you were driving from Jimma to Arba Minch without going to Addis. Omo valley, etc.
But you're definitely right, the road between Addis and Jimma is much improved. I'm not sure which bridge they're using now though... I've been routed over the old Dergue concrete bridge and over the even older Italian bridge.
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