14 December 2005

In Memorium

Received this ePostcard from a missionary on the Horn of Africa field:

Our field is deeply saddened to announce that Brother Alpha has passed away from natural causes. Brother Alpha was one of three survivors of a fellowship of believers who were martyred in the mid-1990s. In recent years, Brother Alpha had witnessed the rebirth of the church and the launching of a half dozen house fellowships in his home community. He will also be remembered for his sacrificial care for a wounded brother.

Brother Alpha was among the longest surviving believers among his people. He became a Christian in 1986.

When his country was wracked by civil instability in the mid-1990’s, lists of known Christians were printed on flyers, and Christians on those lists were hunted down one by one. Of those who were known Christians, only three survived. Two fled into exile in other countries; only Brother Alpha remained in his homeland. He survived by going into deep hiding.

A few years later, circumstances changed sufficiently to allow Brother Alpha to begin cautious evangelism in his community. Brother Alpha became the leader of a zone of house fellowships. He was known as a wise and prudent man, who led the church effectively while putting neither himself nor others at unnecessary risk. His home was a haven for believers. And believers always knew that they would receive warm hospitality from the family’s meager resources. At the time of his death, there were approximately 100 believers in his zone, of whom about 30 were a part of Brother Alpha’s house fellowship.

Recently, a district superintendent who was passing through his city was shot and injured in a robbery attempt. The District Superintendent was much better known for his faith than Brother Alpha. However, Brother Alpha risked his own life by personally caring for his injured brother.

Early this year, Brother Alpha became a teacher in an extension training program for pastors. His training provided Brother Alpha an opportunity to fellowship with Christians from other ethnic backgrounds for the first time. Those who were in class with him were deeply moved by his testimony and faith.

The family is being assisted in several ways. When Brother Alpha became ill, he was so highly respected that his neighborhood, which is almost exclusively Mu, collected money for his care. A memorial service was held by his fellow students in which $40 was raised to benefit his family. Brother Alpha’s own community of believers is also taking an offering. A fund has been established to assist Brother Alpha’s widow to launch a small business. Finally, Brother Alpha’s two surviving children have been enrolled in our child sponsorship program for pastors. Anyone interested in sponsoring his children may write to this e-mail address for further information.

The church in his community celebrates the faithful witness of Brother Alpha, and recognizes the crucial contribution he made to ministry among his people. “[He] has fought the good fight, [he] has finished the course, [he] has kept the faith.


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